Bylaws & Policies
As a member-owner of North Coast Co-op, we invite you to familiarize yourself with how our business is run by reviewing our bylaws, articles of incorporation and board policy manual.
All member-owners are welcome to attend the Policies and Procedures Committee the third Wednesday of every month at the Arcata Co-op conference room (upstairs). It is at this meeting where suggested changes to our bylaws and other documents are discussed. Visit the Co-op Calendar for upcoming meetings.

Our bylaws serve as a guide to how our Co-op does business and are routinely reviewed and updated to ensure the Co-op operates in a cooperative manner.
Read our Bylaws
Articles of Incorporation
Our articles of incorporation were developed by our member-owners and contain the basic rules that govern our Co-op.
Read our Articles of Incorporation
Board Policy Manual
The Board Policy Manual defines how our board functions and operates.