Driscoll's Berry Boycott
In June 2016, Co-op member-owners concerned about the treatment of workers at Sakuma Brothers Farm asked North Coast Co-op to discontinue purchasing products from Driscoll's in support of Familias Unidas por la Justicia, an independent farmerworker union.
North Coast Co-op does not receive berries sourced from Sakuma Brothers Farm. We purchase our berries from Earl’s Organic Produce and they do not get berries from Sakuma Brothers Farm. We do get some Driscoll's berries from Mexico early in the season, but after that our berries come from California.
Our Board of Directors weighed all available information, and voted to boycott Driscoll's starting in June 2016. On Sept. 4, 2016, we received word from Familias Unidas por la Justicia that they had “officially agreed to an election and negotiation process for a collective bargaining agreement with Sakuma Bros. Berry Farm,” and the boycott ended.
Learn more about our Driscoll's Berry Boycott, as reported in Co-op News:

May Board Meeting Recap
June 2016 - The board reports the boycott has been requested and will be discussed at the next board meeting.
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Co-op Supports Driscoll's Berry Boycott
August 2016 - The Board of Directors announces their support of the boycott and answers boycott FAQs.
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The Driscoll's Boycott is Over
October 2016 - The Co-op shares that the Driscoll’s berry boycott is over.
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Farm Workers Choose Familias Unidas to Bargain with Sakuma Bro's
November 2016 - The board shares an update about contract negotiations with the workers and Sakuma Bros.
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