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Host Defense Demo


25 4th Street, Eureka, Ca 95501
25 4th Street, Eureka

Tuesday Sep 20, 2016

2:00 pm - 5:00 pm

Host Defense http://www.hostdefense.com/about-us/why-hd-mushroomsemerged from the fusion of skill sets from two experts: Paul Stamets and C. Dusty Yao. Paul's long time expertise in the taxonomy and cultivation of mushrooms perfectly matched C. Dusty Yao's years of making herbal extracts. The marriage - literally - of these two experts gave rise to the Host Defense products you enjoy today. Their shared passion for exploring the natural world, from thousands of hours of hiking (and laughing) through the old growth forest, and their combined ideas created the wellspring that gave birth to the  Host Defense product lines that continue today.