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Local Food Month
The month of September is Humboldt Local Food Month. It’s always a favorite time of year at the Co-op and we’d love you to join us in celebrating the abundance of our local food system.
Eat Local Challenge
The Eat Local Challenge is a small way to give back to our local farmers who continue to expand the selection of vegetables, herbs and fruits available to all of us. When you pledge to eat local, you are making a commitment to supporting local producers through the meals you prepare and eat. Pick your level and sign up for the Eat Local Challenge at the Customer Service Desk at either Co-op store starting in late August.
Challenge Levels:
Sprouting Localvore
• Beginning Localvore
• Prepare one meal a week using local produce
• Try one local product you have never tried during the month of September
Blooming Localvore
• Intermediate Localvore
• Prepare one meal a day using local produce, proteins, grains, and products
• Try making a new recipe using local produce during the month of September
Thriving Localvore
• Dedicated Localvore
• Prepare all meals using local produce, proteins, grains, and products
•Share one local meal with a neighbor, friend, or co-worker during the month of September
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