From the company:
We have received feedback that a few of the Oaxaca salsas have prematurely bloated. We are certain that it is a time and temperature issue, and not a materials issue. This problem is only affecting a few cases and not all the product. The salsa has no consumer health risk. At this point we are proposing to err on the side of caution.
We request you immediately pull all units that show even the slightest bloating, starting with the Use By Date of 12-22 and beyond.
We are now utilizing High Pressure Pasteurization (HPP) on all product. This process eliminates any form of bacteria leaving each unit with 0% bacteria.
Affected product has been removed from North Coast Co-op stores, and signage at the point of sale will also notify customers of this voluntary recall.
In accordance with North Coast Co-op policy and procedure, we are issuing a recall alert for our customers on this product. If you have purchased any flavor of Oaxaca Mama salsa dated from 12/22/2021 exhibiting bloating when unopened, or having any off flavors or unusual appearance, please return the product at earliest convenience to either Co-op location for a full refund.
For questions about this, or any other recall, please contact the Merchandising Department at either Co-op location. In Eureka, please call 707-449-6027 ext. 444; Arcata call 707-822-5947 ext. 244
Members who have purchased this product within the last 30 days should be contacted directly by a Co-op representative but may receive a refund on defective product at any time.