Silver Hil\Co+op Basics is our basic goods at basic prices program. We offer lower prices on a select list of staple items in order to save you money every day. These are low prices, all the time; not temporary price reductions. You can expect to pay 5%-25% under our regular prices on basics like milk, butter, beans, bread, and more; with an emphasis on organic, you’ll find only GMO-free products on our list. As you shop the Co-op, look for the Co+op Basics signs in the aisles. When you see one, you can be sure you’re getting a better value! While the majority of items will always be available a few items may be occasionally added or removed to either store.
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Basic goods at basic prices.
The Co-op helps our customers save money every day by offering lower prices on hundreds of popular grocery and household staples. When you see a Co+op Basics sign in our aisles, you can be sure you’re getting a better value!