Co-op News | Spring Quarterly 2023
June Board Report
June 2023 Board Report – by Brenda Harper, Board President
Hello! I’m Brenda Harper and I’m now the President of the Co-op Board of Directors, as Kirsten Lindquist has stepped into the Vice President position as she transitions out of the Board of Directors in the fall.
For the first time in many months, the Co-op’s Board of Directors held an in person meeting at the D Street Neighborhood Center in Arcata June 1. Some attendees participated through Zoom. The July meeting will be Zoom only, but we are looking for a meeting space for an in-person August meeting. If you’re not able to attend the meetings, you can stay informed by reading the meeting minutes. Once the meeting minutes are approved, they are available for members in a binder located at customer service at both stores. They are also available on our website at (northcoast.coop/about_us/board/board_of_directors.php)
The Finance Committee met on May 25 and the financials were presented to the Board by Barney Doyle, the Co-op’s Controller. Although the Co-op has had issues that have affected profitability, the finances of the Co-op are stable with plenty of cash on hand.
The board discussed how to better involve the membership when it comes to approving large expenditures. We are currently working with staff to write a policy that would ensure members are notified of upcoming large expenditure decisions with time for the board to receive their input. This discussion will be continued at the July board meeting.
Planning for the Co-op’s 50th Anniversary Party is underway. The celebration will be on August 20 and will take place on I Street in front of the Arcata store. If you have memorabilia from past Co-op events, we will have a table for displaying items and would love to share them. Please email coopnews@northcoast.coop if you have memorabilia or a story to share. There will be music and food and you’ll be able to visit with new and old Co-op members. Put this party on your calendar and come on out and celebrate 50 years of Cooperation with us.