Seeds for Change | Fall Quarterly 2020
Vote for 2022's Seeds For Change Recipients!
Voting for next year’s Seeds for Change recipients begins Friday, October 29. This year, 36 local nonprofit organizations have applied and qualified to be part of the Co-op’s Seeds for Change Round-up Program. There are nine openings for 2022 and members can vote for their top nine organizations. Ballots will be available both in-store and online at www.northcoast.coop/vote (one vote per membership). Voting runs October 29 to November 17. The organizations selected by the membership will be announced in December.
2022 Candidates
Affordable Homeless Housing Alternatives provides education, advocacy, direct services and policy development for affordable housing alternatives with those experiencing homelessness in Humboldt County.
Big Brothers Big Sisters of the North Coast provides one-to-one mentoring to youth in our community, by growing our virtual mentoring program and making mentoring matches, to ignite the biggest possible futures for youth in our community.
Boys & Girls Club of the Redwoods empower youth to reach their full potential as responsible, caring and productive citizens through programs and activities that are fun and relevant in a safe, supportive and healthy environment.
Breast and GYN Health Project makes sure that every member of our North Coast community will have access to a seamless network of care and feel supported and empowered when facing a breast or gynecologic cancer concern.
Centro del Pueblo centers Indigenous wisdom and Latinx immigrant leadership. Our purpose currently is to work towards the empowerment of our community while addressing the impact of COVID-19 and the inequality of opportunities to thrive in Northern California.
Cooperation Humboldt exists to build a solidarity economy on California’s North Coast., supporting existing cooperative efforts and creating new solutions where needed. A solidarity economy empowers us to meet our needs in harmony with nature, without exploiting anyone.
Coalition for Responsible Transportation Priorities promotes transportation solutions that protect and support a healthy environment, healthy people, healthy communities and a healthy economy on the North Coast.
Cumbre Humboldt promotes educational and enriching opportunities for Latinx families and individuals throughout Humboldt County.
Dell'Arte International - School of Physical Theatre International in scope, grounded in the natural living world, inspired by our rural setting, we explore theatre making, theatre practice and theatre training for ourselves, the world and the future.
English Express catalyzes personal and social change for local immigrants through English language education, connections to community resources, and educational field trips.
Environmental Protection Information Center advocates for the protection and restoration of Northwest California’s forests, using an integrated, science-based approach, combining public education, citizen advocacy, and strategic litigation.
Fortuna Adventist Community Services donates organic produce to the community through the St Joseph's Pantry and Fortuna Adventist Food Bank and educates the community about sustainable/affordable gardening year-round.
Friends of the Dunes is dedicated to conserving the natural diversity of coastal environments in northern California through community supported education and stewardship programs.
Hospice of Humboldt offers heartfelt end of life care and bereavement services to all who need them, including free services and programs provided to our patients and their families.
Humboldt Area Center for Harm Reduction is dedicated to building a stronger, healthier Humboldt by providing direct services, education, and advocacy to decrease infection, disease, overdose deaths, and homelessness.
Humboldt County Beekeepers Association provides educational opportunities with the purpose of promoting the success of beekeepers and outreach to the community regarding the benefits of honeybees and beekeeping.
Humboldt Domestic Violence Services is dedicated to breaking the cycle of domestic violence, intimate partner violence, and sex trafficking through services, education, and advocacy.
Humboldt Health Care for All/Physicians For A National Health Program educates and advocates for a single payer health care system that would provide comprehensive, universal health care from cradle to grave for all California residents with no premiums, co-pays or deductibles.
Humboldt Library Foundation works to enhance the programs, services and continuing development of the Humboldt County Public Libraries by improving the quality of library services, expanding the use of technology and sponsoring cultural and educational offerings.
Humboldt Period Project aims to help combat period poverty and menstruation related stigma. We give a variety of menstrual supplies to low-income and unhoused menstruating individuals using a gender neutral framework in order to include our transgender community members.
Humboldt Sponsors is dedicated to raising funds solely to benefit the youth of Humboldt County by offering grants supporting educational, recreational, and cultural enrichment opportunities and assisting youth-oriented programs that provide basic needs.
Humboldt Wildlife Care Center/Bird Ally X is our region’s only wildlife hospital that rescues and rehabilitates injured wildlife for release back to the wild. We also educate and promote being a good neighbor to wildlife.
Ink People Center for the Arts changes lives by connecting the community with resources for cultural development. We encourage people to exercise their humanity, build civic discourse, and engage their creative potential. We are actively weaving the arts into the fabric of community.
Jacoby Creek Land Trust conserves land in and around northern Humboldt Bay in line with values embraced by our local community to promote healthy creek environments, watershed protection, and sustainable agriculture.
Locally Delicious promotes education about the benefits of eating locally grown, organic food. We create and support projects designed to increase production of local organic food, with an emphasis on making good food accessible to all. We advocate for a healthy and sustainable local food system.
Mad River Alliance works with land managers, public agencies and Indigenous tribal groups to restore and protect the Mad River Watershed one salmon and one tributary at a time for the benefit of people, clean water and the environment.
McKinleyville Land Trust conserves local open spaces for ecological, historical, agricultural, educational, recreational and scenic values.
Mid Klamath Watershed Council collaboratively plans and implements ecosystem restoration, promotes community vitality, and involves people in land stewardship.
Northcoast Environmental Center promotes understanding of the relations between people and the biosphere and to conserve, protect, and celebrate terrestrial, aquatic, and marine ecosystems of northern California and southern Oregon.
North Coast Community Garden Collaborative promotes healthy communities by bolstering community food spaces (community gardens, farms and orchards) to increase access to fresh, healthy and culturally appropriate foods for all Humboldt County residents.
North Coast Growers’ Association Operates ten certified farmers’ markets for the benefit of both producers and consumers and works to promote and improve access to local agricultural products for the community.
North Coast Rape Crisis Team addresses all forms of oppression which underlie and promote sexualized violence. We strive to provide survivor-centered, supportive services to people of all ages, genders and circumstance who have been affected by sexualized violence.
Northcoast Regional Land Trust is dedicated to the protection and economic viability of working landscapes, farms, forests and grazing lands, and to the preservation and protection of land for its natural, educational, scenic and historic values.
Redwood Coast Village is a support network of volunteers that enables Humboldt County seniors to stay active, independent, and socially connected while continuing to live safely in their own homes.
Salmonid Restoration Federation promotes restoration and stewardship of California’s native salmon, steelhead, and trout populations and their habitat. We support sustainable seafood practices and environmental education.
Zero Waste Humboldt works to cultivate the cultural shift needed to achieve 0 waste in Humboldt County. Our top priority is proactive waste prevention strategies and creating a circular economy locally and aid in the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions worldwide.
Seeds for Change is a community-giving opportunity that allows Co-op members and customers to round-up their Co-op purchases to the nearest dollar with those extra cents given directly to a local organization that is doing amazing work to better our community. Each month, a different recipient will receive the round-ups collected in the store that month. It’s a simple but powerful way to engage our members and shoppers in fulfilling North Coast Co-op’s principle of caring for the community.