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Sustainability Snapshot | Winter Quarterly 2022

What is Bioengineered?

What is Bioengineered?

Kiya Villarreal, Sustainability Officer

As of January 2022, the USDA packaging regulations have been updated to now require bioengineered disclosures and labeling. But what is bioengineered? Items carrying the USDA label of “Bioengineered” will be known as “BE” most commonly, this is referring to what most people know as GMOs. The new USDA requirements ensure manufacturers disclose clearly on their packaging if there are bioengineered components or if it is BE food. The requirements apply to any products containing greater than 5% bioengineered ingredients, if so they must be clearly labeled. This is the main
image you can look for.

The Non-GMO Project has a very succinct and helpful article to understand these new developments from the USDA and what this means for their Non-GMO Verified logo, which you may be more familiar with at this point. The full article from the Non- GMO project can be read at www.northcoast.coop/nongmo.

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