Whether we are hosting our annual membership meeting or raising money for our local food bank, North Coast Co-op hosts numerous events in our community every year. Our events are waste free and fun for all ages. For upcoming Co-op events, visit our Co-op Calendar. Below are some of our favorite recurring traditions.
Share the Spirit
Each year during the holidays, shoppers can donate any amount at the register and the Co-op matches up to $5,000. All proceeds go to Food for People.
Atalanta's Victory Run and Walk
An all-female run and walk every Mother's Day starting at the Co-op in Arcata.
Local Food Month
The month of September is Humboldt Local Food Month. It’s always a favorite time of year at the Co-op and we’d love you to join us in celebrating the abundance of our local food system.
Pumpkin Patch
The Co-op provides educational tours of Warren Creek Farms to more than 3,500 students. Each student gets to takes home one pumpkin, courtesy of our Cooperative Community Fund.
Annual Membership Celebration & Meeting
An annual, member-only event where members can enjoy food and drinks, connect with the board, and participate in an open comment session--for free!
Bike to Work Day Energizer Stations
For two days in May, each store provides hot beverages, snacks and prizes to participants of Bike to Work Day, a tradition of Bike Month Humboldt.
Taste of the Holidays
A delicious, one-day fundraiser for the Rotary Club of Arcata Sunrise. The Co-op provides food samples from our Deli and Bakery.

Humboldt State University Move-In Day
A two-day event each fall to welcome incoming freshman and transfer students living on campus.