Stumptown Coffee Roasters - Select Varieties
Stumptown Coffee Roasters has announced a recall on the following varieties of their ready-to-drink coffee beverages:
Original Cold Brew Coffee w/ Oatmilk
Lot Codes
Cold Brew Coffee and Chocolate w/ Oatmilk
Lot Codes
Cold Brew Coffee & Horchata w/ Oatmilk
Lot Codes
Original Cold Brew Coffee w/Cream & Sugar
Lot Codes
Cold Brew Coffee Chocolate w/Cream & Sugar
Lot Codes
From the company: “Lyons foods [which packages these products for Stumptown Coffee Roasters] has initiated this recall due to the potential for microbial contamination including from the organism Cronobacter sakazakii. Cronobacter sakazakii is commonly found in the environment including the home kitchen. When ingested, the organism can cause serious infections in young children, particularly those younger than 1 year old. The symptoms of illness could include a fever, irritability, lack of appetite, and other serious symptoms. To date, no illnesses related to these products have been reported, and Lyons initiated the recall out of an abundance of caution. This recall is being made with the knowledge of the Food and Drug Administration. The Lyons recall has affected not only Stumptown Coffee products but those of many other companies as well. Customers are advised to destroy all product identified in the recall notice.”
If you have purchased the product listed above, with corresponding best-by dates, please dispose of the contents and return packaging to either North Coast Co-op location for a full refund. Notifications of this recall will be posted at the point of sale as well as at our Customer Service desks. Co-op members who have purchased this item within the last 30 days will be notified directly. These products were available in both our Arcata and Eureka stores, and the lots recalled were present on the shelf.
Customers with any questions or concerns about this recall may call NCC Merchandising at 707-822-5947ext.244 or 707-443-6027 ext.444.