Letter from the Editor | Spring Quarterly 2019
Letter from the Editor
Last year at this time the Co-op was soliciting input from members for a new five-year strategic plan. Hundreds of you completed surveys, attended meetings or participated on a member committee to ensure that the plan reflected the interests of the membership. The plan was passed overwhelmingly at the Annual Membership Meeting & Celebration last October. As our new fiscal year starts, we begin work to accomplish the goals set out in the plan. We will continue to rely on you, our members, to provide your creative ideas and share your experiences so that your needs continue to be reflected in the work that we do. Co-op News will be a resource for soliciting your feedback and your resource for regular updates on progress made toward the plan goals.
Here are a few things we will need your help with over the next year:
- As part of the strategic plan goal to develop the Co-op as a community hub, a member engagement plan will be written this year. We’ll be asking you what it means to be a member and how the Co-op can become a more integral part of our community.
- The Co-op’s members and customers will be asked to complete a Customer Satisfaction Survey. It will be an invaluable tool for measuring where the Co-op can focus energies to meet customers’ needs.
- Other information will be gathered to create baselines to measure the achievement of plan goals. How do our customers use durables in the stores? How many of you use the seating areas for a meal? How do you travel to the Co-op?
Of course, you don’t have to wait to share your ideas with us. The Co-op welcomes input from our members at any time. Send your thoughts to membership@northcoast.coop or join us at monthly Member Action Committee meetings. And if you want to take a look at the full five-year strategic plan, it is available on the Co-op’s website, or we’d be happy to send you a copy