Board News | Winter Quarterly 2023
March Board Report
by Kirsten Lindquist, Employee, Board President
I am pleased to announce after a long hiatus due to the COVID-19 pandemic, comment cards will be coming back to each location of the Co-op. Whether you are looking for a particular product or just want to share with staff a shopping experience you had, comment cards will be available soon.
Some of you may have noticed that an email with a Zoom link and a link to the Board agenda is getting sent out to members the afternoon of the board meeting. This has increased member attendance at Board meetings, which are still being held via Zoom. If you are interested
in receiving the full Board packet in advance of the meeting, which includes the agenda and the General Manager report, please send a request to emilywalter@northcoast.coop.
If you are unable to attend meetings but are interested in learning more about them, minutes are posted on our website and a binder with hard copies for your perusal are now available at customer service at either location. Please note that minutes have to be approved by the Board, so they are not available until the following month. While Zoom meetings are recorded, the recording is only used for checking the accuracy of minutes and are deleted upon completion of the minutes.
The Co-op fiscal year will be ending soon, and the Finance Committee will be meeting on Thursday, March 23 to review next year’s fiscal budget (April 2023-March 2024). If you are interested in attending via Zoom and want to receive the meeting packet, please contact Emily Walter at emilywalter@northcoast.coop.
Thank you for supporting the Co-op and being an active member of this amazing community!