Co-op News | Summer Quarterly 2018
Members Provide Foundation for Strategic Plan Draft
The Co-op would like to send a huge thank you to the 262 members, including employee-members, who took our Vision & Goals Member Input Survey. We appreciate you taking the time to share your ideas for the future of the Co-op.
The Vision & Goals Committee, consisting of Co-op members, board members and staff members, spent June evaluating your feedback and putting together a strategic plan outline. The Co-op's General Manager will complete a full plan for the board to assess at the July 5 board meeting. The strategic plan will be discussed at upcoming monthly Board of Directors Meetings and Member Action Committee Meetings, and Co-op members are welcome and encouraged to attend (see our calendar for upcoming meetings). The board will present the final strategic plan to the membership at the Annual Membership Meeting & Celebration in October. We look forward to seeing you there.