B.Y.O.D.: Bringing Your Own Durables to the Co-op
Whether it’s a washed yogurt container or your favorite mason jar, here are the simple steps it takes to save money and divert waste while you shop in all departments at the Co-op.
Locally Inspired
Our challenge to you during Local Food Month is to share your most clever recipe using local produce and products.
Farm Feature: Little River Farm
John Severn endures the varying conditions of each northern California season to provide us with salad mixes year-round.
Five Delicious Dry Barbeque Rubs
Dry rubs are a quick and easy way to add flavor to all the provisions you plan on barbequing this summer.
From Our Kitchens to Yours
All of our memorable recipes are now available to our members and shoppers via our website.
Staff Picks: Juices & Smoothies
We asked members of the Co-op team in the Deli and Bakery their favorite, fresh combinations
Sticky Summer Salad with Pork Belly and Watermelon
This will be the most talked about dish at any event.
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