Co-op News | Summer Quarterly 2017
New Program to Show More Love to Local
In a lot of ways, the Eureka store remodel finally becoming a reality is a relief to many of us at the Eureka store, especially for our members and shoppers who have been wondering about cooking classes in the Eureka community kitchen. We suspended use of the kitchen until the Eureka remodel is complete.
Have no fear, cooking classes will be coming back soon and I am currently working on a new and exciting opportunity – Taste and Tour. This new program will take us on fun adventures and allow us a glimpse into the production facilities of our local makers, artisans and manufacturers that we know and love.
While the program is still in the early stages of development, I’ve already received a lot of interest and positive feedback from local makers. The Taste and Tour program will allow us a behind-the-scenes look at the inner workings of our local makers. It’s a unique opportunity and one-of-a-kind experience for our members and shoppers to connect with and develop a relationship with our local makers and community.
You may have recently seen or read in the Co-op News that the Co-op has redefined our definition of local to include products grown, raised, produced, owned and/or operated in Humboldt, Del Norte and Trinity counties. Keeping this definition in mind, I’ll be working closely to build and support our relationships with the nearly 200 local makers that currently sell products at the Co-op.
Stayed tuned for more information about the Taste and Tour program and cooking classes. If you are interested in teaching a cooking class or a local maker curious about the new programing, please contact Outreach Coordinator at jolieharvey@northcoast.coop.