Sustainable Summer Challenge | Summer Quarterly 2021
Sustainable Summer Challenge Week 4 - Try Composting At Home
Our Sustainable Summer Challenge is back! For five weeks, we will share an easy way you can reduce waste and promote sustainability in your everyday life. We encourage everyone to participate by trying out the week's challenge and sharing your photos/experiences on social media for chances to win an awesome prize package of a fully-stamped Co-op sandwich card (free sandwich from our Deli), beverage card (free drink from our Beverage Bar) and alternative transportation card ($5 off your next purchase), as well as a Co-op Compost service card.
Composting is a great way to minimize waste headed to the landfill, reduce landfill-generated methane gas, and is an opportunity to turn waste into a resource! This is especially important in the Humboldt Bay region because we are heavily reliant on everything being both trucked in and out. So, by diverting food waste from your trash can you are reducing the 200-mile journey by truck to get to the landfill.
Composting keeps nutrients where we need them, in our soils, not in a landfill. One of the most satisfying reasons to compost at home is that you get to watch as your food scraps and yard waste turn into “black gold.” Yes, your compost is just that valuable. Adding home compost to your garden greatly improves your soil, allowing it to better retain water and nutrients. Thus, it reduces the need to purchase fertilizers and supplemental plant food = consuming less; another win for being more sustainable.
So, how do you start composting at home? If you want to go all DIY, we already have a guide for building your own composter ready, which can be found on this page. Composters can also be purchased at most retail stores with a hardware and gardening section. Some great news is that, as of the writing of this post, both Arcata and Eureka cities are offering composters at discounted prices. Humboldt Waste Management Authority (H.W.M.A.) has discounted home composters available for anyone to purchase at their Hawthorne St. transfer station, while the City of Arcata has composters at a reduced price available at City Hall with proof of residence. Note that Arcata’s composter supply is currently out of stock, though they expect a restock in October.
For more information about the different ways to compost at home go to https://www.epa.gov/recycle/composting-home, or simply search online for home composting and you are sure to find the information you need, including many videos.
If you just aren’t ready or aren’t able to compost at home currently, the Co-op is now offering a composting service at our Arcata location. Visit this page for more information
Week Two Challenge: Try Composting At Home
After completing the challenge, share a photo or a post about your experience on Facebook or Instagram. Tag us in your posts to be entered into a raffle for a prize package! You can also email us a photo at co-opnews@northcoast.coop for entry, and we will feature them on our social media pages! A weekly winner will be selected every Monday, so enter your submission by Sunday.