Letter from the Editor | Fall Quarterly 2018
Letter from the Editor
The Co-op is turning 45! We’ll be celebrating our 45th anniversary throughout the month of October with some fun member giveaways, deals and events. Be sure to stop in the stores each week for a chance to win 45 of something fun and take advantage of member-only specials. It’s just a small way to thank our members for their decades-long dedication to the Co-op and their contribution to our rich history!
With just over a year in my job at the Co-op, my look back at the history comes from archived editions of Co-op News. I recognize member and staff names, love looking at the old photos and checking out the prices from the ‘70s and ‘80s. Many of you have been with us from the start and are lucky to have lived the history of the Co-op.
Recently, the member listed in our official records as member #1 closed her membership. She’s moved out of the area and can no longer make it to Humboldt County. It was wonderful to hear her recount memories of the Co-op and what it meant in her life. She recalled that when her family of seven became members, the store was in Arcata on the ‘block with the theater’ and they would place orders of things like bushels of potatoes and pick them up days later. Her favorite memory of the Co-op was being able to step up to the register and say, “I’m member #1.”
We’d love for you to share your Co-op memories with us. Please join us at the Annual Membership Meeting & Celebration on October 21 at the Arcata Veterans Hall from 1pm to 4pm. We will be taking a look back at 45 years and a look forward at our Five-Year Strategic Plan. There will also be great food, a chance to meet and vote for board candidates, and an opportunity to connect with other Co-op members.
Staying in business for 45 years is no small feat. Every member who has passed through our doors has contributed something to our spirit, history or success. Thanks to each and every one of you.