Bylaws | June 2016
New Changes Proposed to Bylaws
After extensive work by the Policies & Procedures Committee (PPC), the Board has approved placing some amendments to North Coast Co-op’s bylaws on the ballot this fall. These changes revolve around types of shares and Fair Share membership status. The PPC proposed the changes because of the recognition that the existing bylaws do not define “Fair Share”—a long-used membership status at North Coast Co-op—even though there are references to that term. The changes also provide additional information about the four types of shares issued by the Co-op, as defined in our Articles of Incorporation, which relates to Fair Share status.
The PPC would like to ensure that there is ample time for member-owners to provide input on these proposed bylaws changes. There is a member-owner comment and question-and-answer session on these proposed bylaws amendments at the Board’s meeting on June 2. We will also continue to answer questions and field concerns beyond the meeting. If you have any questions, comments or concerns, please consider writing a letter to board@northcoast.coop or call our Membership Coordinator at (707) 502-3555 ext. 135.
Please see our Bylaw Updates page to see all proposed changes.
Please note that the PPC is also working on a few other proposed bylaws amendments. If the Board votes to put any of them on the ballot, we’ll let you know. And remember: if you’re interested in improving North Coast Co-op’s governing documents, member-owners are always welcome to attend PPC meetings and participate in the process.
Our next meeting is June 15. See our Meeting Agendas and Minutes page for a full schedule of meetings.
This article was originally published in the June 2016 Co-op News