From the Board | November 2016
Volunteer to Survey Synthetic Fragrances at the Co-op
At the September meeting of the Member Action Committee, Patty Clary from Californians for Alternatives to Toxics spoke about Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS), which affects about 16% of people. I have experienced immediate discomfort from synthetic fragrances and perhaps you have, too. These synthetic substances are made with petrochemicals.
At the Co-op, we want to protect our customers and our employees who have MCS. According to Patty’s presentation, some of the worst offenders that induce an allergic reaction are in the laundry and cleaning products sections. At the meeting, it was agreed that a survey of laundry and cleaning products to check for synthetic fragrances would be a good starting place to evaluate how products in our stores may be affecting those with MCS. Along with the survey, we would like to research safe alternatives to synthetics and bring these to people's attention.
We need some member volunteers to help with this project. If you would like to be part of this project, leave your contact information at Customer Service at either store. Or send an email to cheristrong@northcoast.coop. We will get together and come up with a plan at the November Member Action Committee meeting. The MAC meets on the second Wednesday of the month at 6pm in the Ten Pin Building, Arcata. Your participation will be most welcome.