From the Board | March 2017
February Board Meeting Recap
The February board meeting began with a member comment period, as usual. Improvements to the Arcata store parking lot were appreciated and one member mentioned that he had been getting positive feedback from store employees regarding feeling comfortable coming to board meetings. We are striving to keep communication open amongst members, staff and the board and we greatly appreciate your participation in meetings.
Next we headed into discussion of the Board–Management retreat. Plans are in the works to have a retreat geared toward collaboration between the board of directors and the Co-op management team. Rodger James has agreed to facilitate the retreat, which will lay the foundation for strategic planning and integration of the strategic plan and the Co-op's values into Co-op operations. The date and venue have not been set at this time.
Co-op staff is proposing a change to the schedule for Co-op News publication from monthly to quarterly. It will save money and time, which will allow for the publications to be more in-depth and have more content. There will still be monthly board updates available electronically and posted in stores.
General Manager Melanie Bettenhausen gave an update on the Deli remodel for the Eureka store (proposal for approval at March 2 board meeting). Many changes have been made since the original plan and zero waste goals are being built into the plans. There will be more opportunities for customers to bring their own containers to be filled as well as having reusable plates for customers to use in the store. Structural changes are also planned that will help encourage and inform more customers to utilize the Bulk and Produce departments to the fullest extent possible.
James Kloor joined us as a candidate to fill the board vacancy left by Dave Feral. Board members asked James a series of questions and James was also given the opportunity to ask questions of the board. We concluded the regular meeting with a member comment period. Dave Feral shared that on March 25 there will be a World Water Rising event at the Blue Lake Casino to raise awareness and money to go into grant funding water protection response, and asks for the Co-op to support the event. We moved to executive session and reported out that James Kloor was chosen to fill the board vacancy.
As always, we hope to see you at the next board or committee meeting. This recap is not a comprehensive summary of the meeting, if you would like to read the minutes for a more detailed meeting summary you may request them at Customer Service, or find them on the website. Please let us know if there is a way we can support your engagement in the Co-op. The Co-op is a democracy—participate!
March Meetings
Board of Directors Meetings
Mar 2 • 6-8pm Ten Pin Building,
793 K Street, Arcata
Member Action Committee Meeting
Mar 8 • 6-7pm Ten Pin Building,
793 K Street, Arcata
Policy and Procedures Committee Meeting
Mar 15 • 4pm Ten Pin Building,
793 K Street, Arcata
Earth Action Committee Meeting
Mar 29 • 5:30pm Ten Pin Building, 793 K Street, Arcata