From the Board | February 2017
January Board Meeting Recap
The North Coast Co-op Board of Directors welcomed 2017 with a fairly small and uneventful meeting. While there are still many irons in the fire, there was a moment of pause over the holidays with several board members out of town or busy with other events. Most of the committees did not meet in December and regular meetings resumed in January.
During the member comment period, one member mentioned the board vacancy that is opening with Dave Feral leaving and commented that it would be a short term that may not be necessary to fill. Another member and employee updated us on her reevaluation of how the Co-op uses the term “local” to represent products in the store. It has been a collaborative effort with many departments. For further details, see Cassie Blom's article, Co-op Brings Definition of Local Closer to Home.
General Manager Melanie Bettenhausen gave an update on the “board tracking system.” This is something we have been talking about for several months as a way for the board and Co-op staff to stay updated on the status of projects and requests made by the board. We often discuss many ideas and issues that may not get addressed for several months and it is easy for them to fall off the radar as new things come up at every meeting. Hopefully, this tool will help us to revisit these things and further address items as necessary, and enjoy the satisfaction of checking them off the list.
The Member Action Committee (MAC) was the only committee to meet in December. The topic from that committee most discussed at the board meeting was the possibility of having a durable goods bank, where the Co-op would have a place where members could contribute reusable bags that they did not need for other members to use. There was a lot of conversation surrounding the feasibility and liability of offering members bags that had come from outside the store. The next MAC meeting is February 8, if you would like to join this discussion.
Melanie Bettenhausen gave her General Manager Report reminding us that, while we may have felt a lull in December, the Co-op was as busy as ever, moving forward with hiring staff to fill vacancies, working on the Deli remodel and much more. To see the full summary of the meeting you can request a board meeting packet from Customer Service a week before the meetings, and as always, we hope to see you at the next board meeting.
Board and committee meeting dates and times are posted on our Calendar page.