From the Board | January 2017
December Board Meeting Recap
The board will issue a patronage refund of $337,465 for Fiscal Year 2016. Fair Share members will receive their refund in 100% cash. All others will receive 50% cash and 50% in B Shares, except where the cash contribution is less than $2. Any cash distribution less than $2 will be issued in B Shares.
It was announced that former Board President Dave Feral will be unable to finish out his term. The board plans to make an appointment to fill the vacated seat at the February board meeting. If you are interested in serving on the North Coast Co-op Board of Directors, please submit a letter of interest to Membership Coordinator Nicole Chase or leave it at either of the Customer Service counters. At the February board meeting we will have a brief candidates’ forum and will appoint the new board member to begin in March. We invite all interested in this process to attend the February board meeting on February 2, 2017, at 6:00pm at the Ten Pin Building in Arcata.
It was voted that the two percent dividend on C shares will continue for the next quarter. The first ever co-op member-only coupon was placed in the December Senior News; it was a coupon for 10% off on a shopping trip.
The board accepted the audit report. All General Manager expenses and disbursements will be approved by either the Treasurer or the Board President prior to Finance Committee meetings each quarter.
Staff was directed to develop an index of indicators to measure ecological impact of the proposed Eureka deli remodel. In preparation for the Eureka deli expansion and reset, three non-bargaining unit positions have been created.
January Meetings
Board of Directors Meetings
Jan 5 • 6-8pm Ten Pin Building,
793 K Street, Arcata
Member Action Committee Meeting
Jan 11 • 6-7pm Ten Pin Building,
793 K Street, Arcata
Policy and Procedures Committee Meeting
Jan 18 • 4pm Ten Pin Building,
793 K Street, Arcata
Earth Action Committee Meeting
Jan 26 • 5:30pm Ten Pin Building, 793 K Street, Arcata